Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Power Spectrum Density

x: data
window: 在data中考量的window的大小
noverlap: window和window之間overlap的sample個數
nfft: 做fft時window的大小
clipped from www.mathworks.com

[Pxx,w] = pwelch(x,window,noverlap) divides x into segments according to window, and uses
the integer noverlap to specify the number of signal samples
(elements of x) that are common to two adjacent segments. noverlap must
be less than the length of the window you specify. If you specify noverlap as
the empty vector [], then pwelch determines
the segments of x so that there is 50% overlap (default).

[Pxx,w] = pwelch(x,window,noverlap,nfft) uses
Welch's method to estimate the PSD while specifying the length of the FFT
with the integer nfft. If you set nfft to
the empty vector [], it adopts the default value for N listed
in the previous syntax.

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